Democrats Abroad New Zealand
  Scientists Walk Out in Protest at China's Intransigence (
By Stephen Castle in Brussels
Published: 07 April 2007

Some of the world's best-informed climate change scientists walked out of an all-night drafting session of yesterday's report on global warming, as tempers flared.

The protest, which included a prominent US scientist, took place after Chinese diplomats sought to water down a section spelling out the degree of certainty researchers attach to the impact of climate change.

During a fractious night of negotiation, China and Saudi Arabia were identified as the countries which sought most systematically to dilute the text.

Feelings were running high because the summary produced will be read by heads of government, including Tony Blair and Germany's Angela Merkel, according to Hans Verolme, director of WWF's climate change programme. The summary is an unusual hybrid, crafted by scientists but endorsed by diplomats, thereby gaining political, as well as academic, credibility.

One of those who left the large, crescent-shaped conference room in the Charlemagne building in Brussels was Cynthia Rosenzweig, senior research scientist at the Nasa Goddard Institute for Space Studies and one of the report's authors.

Asked why things got so heated, she replied: "I think that scientists and government representatives are two different groups of people, they have different ways of operating and standards of evidence. When scientists come together with these government people you have some sparks flying." She added: "The lead authors wanted the governments to know that we felt strongly that we have very high confidence that the statement was justified. So I made that point emphatically".

The US eventually brokered a compromise which avoided any watering down of the reference to a "very high confidence" by removing the clause altogether.

(More ... Independent > News > World > World Politics)

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