Limited Effect on British Plans (
Julian Borger and Richard Norton-Taylor
Friday January 12, 2007
The Guardian
Tony Blair's government voiced its support for President Bush's surge in Iraq even though it left the two allies moving in opposite directions for the first time: the US is pouring more resources in, while Britain hopes to withdraw a significant number of troops by early summer.
The Foreign Office yesterday insisted that the contrast reflected a divergence in conditions rather than a conflict in policy. Margaret Beckett, the foreign secretary, told a joint session of the Commons defence and foreign affairs committees that the implications of the US change in policy for Britain would be "somewhat limited". She added: "I would say that it's a change of direction, as the president says, for the United States and doesn't necessarily imply a change of direction for us."
She specifically emphasised the point that, unlike the US, Britain's policy was one of engaging with Iran and Syria.
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Labels: Guardian, Iran, Iraq, Syria