The President is Unequivocally Undecided (
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Geoff Elliott
A RETIRED Congressman runs through the studio audience to the stage. Crowd cheers. Cue titles for tonight’s episode of: “Let’s Find an Iraq Strategy!”
"Come on down, Ma’am,” the smiling host says. “Your chance for a new car, if you can just pick the right strategy from the four in front of you: withdraw immediately; stay the course; add more troops; invade Iran.”
The Iraq War as a game show? It may sound absurd, offensive even, but then you’re not living in Washington. Here the daily public ruminations from the President and his administration are trivialising what are life and death decisions in Baghdad.
It’s become a staple of political narrative here in the last few weeks, particularly since the bipartisan Iraq Study Group released its report and the President himself admitted he was looking to change course.
But rather than go private, call on a few trusted ex-military types to present a top secret battle plan. President George W. Bush is on the screen every other day to not rule this in, not rule that out. Thinking of increasing troop levels, President Bush was asked in his last press conference of the year yesterday. “I haven’t made up my mind yet,” says Bush.
The Decider, as he called himself earlier this year, is decidedly undecided. It makes one almost yearn for the unilateralist of yore.
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Labels: Bush, Iraq, Opinion, The Australian