Edwards Launches 2008 Campaign (NYTimes.com)
Published: December 28, 2006
NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 28 -- Former Senator John Edwards chose a devastated neighborhood in this flood-stricken city today to formally begin his quest for the presidency, declaring that his campaign would emphasize the “two Americas” theme he embraced two years ago.
“New Orleans in so many ways shows the two Americas that I’ve talked about,” Mr. Edwards said, standing between two ruined houses. “It’s great to try to see a problem, but it’s more important to actually take action and do something about it, and that’s why I’m in New Orleans.”
Mr. Edwards, who on Wednesday donned work gloves and cheerfully joined volunteers in a much-photographed clean-up of a woman’s yard, said it was important “to show what’s possible when we as Americans, instead of staying home and complaining, actually take action and take responsibility.”
During the 2004 campaign, when he was the vice-presidential candidate on the Democratic ticket, Mr. Edwards spoke often of the “two Americas” -- one comfortable and privileged, the other struggling to feed body and soul and despairing of ever passing on something better to their children.
The “formal” announcement of his candidacy today was, by design, anything but formal. Mr. Edwards wore work boots, blue jeans and a thick blue shirt against the chill. His announcement contrasted sharply with more traditional launchings of White House bids, which have often been made in the United States Capitol.
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Labels: 2008 election, Edwards, New York Times