Gen. Clark: Bush Took U.S. on 'Path to Nowhere' (
Ex-NATO head slams Iraq war, failure to stop nukes, find bin LadenSaturday, April 1, 2006; Posted: 1:34 p.m. EST (18:34 GMT)
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Former Democratic presidential candidate Wesley Clark accused the Bush administration Saturday of taking the nation on a "path to nowhere" with misguided moves on national security.
The retired Army general and NATO military commander argued in the Democrats' weekly radio address that the United States needs a new plan to win the war on terror after failing to find September 11 terror mastermind Osama bin Laden, fighting an unnecessary war in Iraq and stumbling in halting weapons proliferation in North Korea and Iran.
Clark coupled his criticism of President Bush's policies with a renewed call for the Democratic plan on national security that party leaders unveiled this week.
Portrayed by opponents as weak on national security, Democrats contend that they've cut into the Republican advantage in this midterm-election year based on White House missteps on Iraq and ports security.
"This administration has taken us on a path to nowhere -- replete with hyped intelligence, macho slogans and an incredible failure to see the obvious," Clark said in the broadcast.
(Listen to Gen. Clark talk about the 'tragic incompetence' of the Bush administration)(More ... - Gen. Clark: Bush took U.S. on 'path to nowhere' - Apr 1, 2006)