Bush Concedes Iraq War Erodes Political Status (NYTimes.com)
Published: March 22, 2006
WASHINGTON, March 21 — President Bush said Tuesday that the war in Iraq was eroding his political capital, his starkest admission yet about the costs of the conflict to his presidency, and suggested that American forces would remain in the country until at least 2009.
Reporters seeking to question President Bush yesterday at a news conference in the White House. In a quick remark at a White House news conference about the reserves of political strength he earned in his 2004 re-election victory — 'I'd say I'm spending that capital on the war' — Mr. Bush in effect acknowledged that until he could convince increasingly skeptical Americans that the United States was winning the war, Iraq would overshadow everything he did.
Later, in response to a question about whether a day would come when there would be no more American forces in Iraq, he said that 'future presidents and future governments of Iraq' would make that decision.
That statement was one of the few he has made that provides insight into his thinking about the duration of the American commitment in Iraq, and signaled that any withdrawal of troops would extend beyond his term in office.
Mr. Bush asserted that Iraq was not in a civil war, and took issue with Ayad Allawi, a former Iraqi prime minister and White House ally, who said Sunday that it was. The president"
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Bush Concedes Iraq War Erodes Political Status - New York Times)