Most Americans Doubt Bush Has Victory Plan (
60% Oppose Early Iraq Pullout, Poll Finds
Friday, December 2, 2005 Page A20
Reuters News Agency with a report from AFP
WASHINGTON -- A majority of Americans doubt George W. Bush has a strategy for Iraq that will achieve victory, according to a new poll released after the U.S. President laid out his Iraq policy.
The CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll showed that 55 per cent do not believe the President has a plan that will achieve victory for the United States in Iraq, while 41 per cent think he does.
The survey was conducted by telephone among 606 Americans after Mr. Bush's televised speech at the U.S. Naval Academy early Wednesday, although CNN noted that only 10 per cent had seen it live and two-thirds had not heard or read news coverage about it.
It showed, however, that six in 10 Americans believe U.S. troops should not be withdrawn from Iraq until certain goals are achieved, while 35 per cent said they want a timetable.
(More ...
The Globe and Mail: Most Americans doubt Bush has victory plan)