Greens Want Block on Passing Spy Information to US (
19.12.05 1.00pm
The Green Party has said New Zealand should stop sending information obtained by its spy base to the United States following revelations it could be misused.
US President George W Bush has admitted he allowed domestic eavesdropping without court approval following the September 11 2001 terrorist attacks.
The revelation in the New York Times caused outrage in the US, with both Democrats and Republicans calling for congressional investigations into the decision.
The Greens' security and intelligence spokesman Keith Locke said New Zealand should suspend the transfer of data intercepted by the Waihopai spy base to the US National Security Agency (NSA).
Waihopai is part of the NSA-run Echelon communications intelligence network.
"Morally we can't continue to send the NSA communications intercepted at Waihopai when we know that their contents will be used illegally by the Bush administration," Mr Locke said.
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Greens want block on passing spy information to US - 19 Dec 2005 - National News)