Canada Turns Climate Focus on US (
By Tim Hirsch
BBC Environment Correspondent, Montreal
Canada's prime minister has urged the US to "listen to its conscience" and take further steps to reduce emissions linked to global warming.
Paul Martin was speaking at the UN climate change conference in Montreal, where talks on long-term strategies are reaching a critical stage.
It is not only the United States which has come under fire.
A British government minister has accused Saudi Arabia of using "outrageous" tactics to block progress.
Mr Martin, who is in the second week of his own campaign for re-election, formally opened the ministerial section of the conference on Wednesday.
His speech was clearly aimed at the United States, although he did not mention the country by name.
He told delegates from around 190 countries that "climate change is a global challenge that demands a global response, yet there are nations that resist...
"Well, it is our problem to solve. We are in this together."
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