Spaniard Calls C.I.A. Plane Case 'Very Serious' (
Published: November 16, 2005
MADRID, Nov. 15 - Spain's interior minister expressed concern on Tuesday about accusations that planes used by the C.I.A. to transport terrorism suspects had made stopovers at a Spanish airport, saying the charges were "very serious" and would not be tolerated if proved.
In an interview with the Spanish television station Telecinco, the minister, José Antonio Alonso, said he could not discuss the specifics of the case because they were the subject of a judicial investigation.
But he added, "If it is confirmed that it is true, we would be, I insist, facing very serious acts, acts that are not tolerable in any way."
The comments, though hedged, are the clearest expression yet by the Spanish government that the accusations could further strain relations between Spain and the United States, which have been at odds over issues like the fight against Islamic terrorism and the Iraq war since Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero took office in April 2004.
Mr. Alonso said the Spanish government would raise its concerns directly with Washington. "Spain is a sovereign country, and as a sovereign country it has to have full knowledge of what is contained within any means of transport, such as an airplane in this case, that passes through its territory," he said.
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Spaniard Calls C.I.A. Plane Case 'Very Serious' - New York Times)