Legislation Renewing Patriot Act Stalls (ChicagoTribune.com)
Associated Press Writer
Published November 17, 2005, 8:04 PM CST
WASHINGTON -- Legislation reauthorizing the Patriot Act stalled Thursday as lawmakers worked to satisfy senators upset by the elimination of some civil liberties protections.
Negotiators had worked for days to develop an acceptable compromise and presented a draft to senators and representatives late Wednesday.
But senators on the negotiating committee have yet to agree to the compromise, aware that six Republicans and Democrats are threatening to block the final version of the bill when it comes to the full Senate.
"If further changes are not made, we will work to stop this bill from becoming law," the six wrote the Senate Judiciary and Intelligence committees.
The senators are Republicans Larry Craig of Idaho, John Sununu of New Hampshire and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, and Democrats Dick Durbin of Illinois, Russ Feingold of Wisconsin and Ken Salazar of Colorado.
(More ... href="http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/sns-ap-patriot-act,1,5620416.story?coll=chi-news-hed">Chicago Tribune | Legislation Renewing Patriot Act Stalls)