Analysis: Bush Slump May Hobble World Role (
The Associated Press
Sunday, November 13, 2005; 11:26 AM
WASHINGTON -- President Bush's slumping popularity at home may be taking a toll on his ability to exert influence overseas.
Just a few years ago, rival and allied nations alike fretted that a cocky Bush administration was attempting to impose its will around the world.
Such swagger is harder to find these days.
As Bush prepares to depart Monday on a trip to Asia, questions abound about the global consequences of a U.S. president hobbled by domestic setbacks.
In recent weeks, his administration has:
*Seen its proposal for a Western Hemisphere-wide free-trade pact torpedoed during Bush's trip to Latin America. Several other of his trade initiatives are in jeopardy, too.
*Failed to persuade the U.N. nuclear watchdog to refer Iran's suspect nuclear activities to the Security Council for possible penalties.
*Ran into more obstacles in six-country talks over North Korea's nuclear agenda.
*Clashed with major European allies which, for the first time, joined other countries in supporting a move to wrest administrative control over the Internet from the United States.
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Analysis: Bush Slump May Hobble World Role)