Democrats On Offense (
By Howard Kurtz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, September 21, 2005; 8:57 AM
John Kerry and John Edwards rip Bush over Katrina. Bill Clinton blasts the tax cuts. Harry Reid says he'll vote against Roberts.
Do you detect something of a pattern here?
A more aggressive Democratic opposition, washed in by the hurricane, appears to be finding its voice.
Whether it's a winning message or not remains to be seen. But liberals who feel the Beltway Dems have been way too timid for the last four years must be pouring the champagne.
In the case of Kerry and Edwards, the '08 positioning by the '04 boys couldn't be more obvious.
With Bush's poll ratings at record lows, the thought crossed my mind: What if Katrina had struck a year ago? Could it have changed the outcome of the election?
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Democrats On Offense)