Dalai Lama Tells U.S. Crowd War Outdated (WashingtonPost.com)
The Associated Press
Monday, September 26, 2005; 11:05 AM
PISCATAWAY, N.J. -- The Dalai Lama told 36,000 people at Rutgers Stadium that the concept of war was outdated and young people have a responsibility to make this century one of peace.
"This whole planet is just us," the 70-year-old exiled monk said Sunday. "Therefore, destruction of another area essentially is destruction of yourself."
Tibet's spiritual leader also urged the audience to develop a wider world perspective, not just focus on "America, America, America."
"His quiet mind is the kind of serenity New Jersey, home of strip malls, could use," Arielle Gomberg said.
The speech was the largest nonathletic event in Rutgers history, topping visits by former President Clinton and former U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno.
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Dalai Lama Tells U.S. Crowd War Outdated)