China Warns Gap Between Rich, Poor Is Feeding Unrest (
By Edward Cody
Washington Post Foreign Service
Thursday, September 22, 2005; Page A16
BEIJING, Sept. 21 -- China's official media warned Wednesday that the gap between rich and poor has become alarmingly wide during two decades of economic liberalization, contributing to spreading unrest in towns and villages across the country.
While the income disparity, particularly between farmers and city dwellers, has been widely discussed and reported, simultaneous and extensive reports by the New China News Agency and the Communist Party's main organ, the People's Daily, suggested that officials wanted to call particular attention to the problem.
Riots and other violent protests, which the government acknowledges are increasing dramatically, have become a major issue for President Hu Jintao's government. Hu and Premier Wen Jiabao have made calls for "harmonious society" and "social stability" watchwords of their speeches over the last year.
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China Warns Gap Between Rich, Poor Is Feeding Unrest)