Democrats Abroad New Zealand
  Sheehan's Ad Says Bush Lied About Iraq War (
Some stations refuse to air commercial by soldier's mom

By Nick Madigan
Sun Staff
Originally published August 27, 2005

In her effort to elicit an explanation from President Bush as to his reasons for continuing to wage war in Iraq, Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a fallen soldier, has ruffled feathers far and wide, riling the president's supporters unlike anyone since Michael Moore's polemics in Fahrenheit 9/11.

Yesterday, Sheehan - who has returned to her protest post near Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas, after tending to a family emergency - launched a national commercial on CNN and Fox News in which she asks the president, "How many more soldiers have to die before we say enough?"

"You were wrong about the weapons of mass destruction," Sheehan says in the ad. "You were wrong about the link between Iraq and al-Qaida. You lied to us and because of your lies, my son died."

The ad had already been running on local stations in the Crawford and Waco markets. It also ran in Salt Lake City and Boise, Idaho, during visits by Bush this week to both areas. But several stations refused to run the ad, in at least one case because there was "no proof" that weapons of mass destruction had not been found in Iraq, a representative of the station said.

"In the spot, Ms. Sheehan accuses the president of the United States of being a liar," said Paul Anovick, vice president of sales at Fisher Broadcasting Inc., which owns KBCI, the CBS affiliate in Boise. "She claims the president lied about, among other things, the presence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. There is no proof that we are aware of regarding the truthfulness of her claim. We require proof of claims such as this. Until that is provided, our station will not carry this ad."

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