Iraq Pullout Would Weaken America, President Says (
Posted 8/23/2005 11:30 AM Updated 8/24/2005 1:07 AM
By Judy Keen, USA TODAY
President Bush said Tuesday that anti-war protesters "are advocating a policy that would weaken the United States." It was his most direct response yet to Cindy Sheehan, who has been camped near his Texas ranch demanding an immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq.
Bush told reporters during a visit to Donnelly, Idaho, that Sheehan, whose son Casey was killed in Iraq last year, "doesn't represent the view" of many other military families with whom he has met.
Bush meets privately today in Nampa, Idaho, with families of servicemembers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. It will be his 25th such visit since January 2002.
His comments on Sheehan, in response to a reporter's question, were more critical and personal than his remarks about her in an exchange with reporters on Aug. 11. He said then, "It would be a mistake for the security of this country" to pull out of Iraq now.
(More ... - Iraq pullout would weaken America, president says)