NYC, Other Cities Angry Over Chertoff's Remarks (
Posted 7/16/2005 12:07 AM Updated 7/16/2005 12:37 AM
NEW YORK (AP) — In New York and other big cities, some commuters fumed Friday about Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff's remarks that cities will have to pay to protect trains and buses because airplanes are a higher priority.
"I think it stinks," psychologist David Amarel said as he boarded the subway.
Like many New Yorkers, he said he felt the government's foreign policy makes the city a target, so the government should assume responsibility for its security.
But cities will be largely on their own when it comes to securing trains and buses, Chertoff told The Associated Press on Thursday, explaining that airplanes are a higher priority for Washington.
"Michael Chertoff is a very smart guy, but I couldn't disagree more," New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said.
The free subway tabloid amNew York summed up the secretary's comments Friday: "Pay Your Own Way," the headline declared over a close-up of a grim-faced Chertoff.
(More ... - NYC, other cities angry over Chertoff's remarks)