States Challenge Pentagon on Closing National Guard Bases (
Posted 5/11/2005 9:34 AM
WASHINGTON (AP) — States and congressional delegations, fearful the Pentagon will target their military bases for closure, are challenging Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's claim that he can shutter Army and Air National Guard installations without a governor's consent.
Undeterred, the Pentagon is moving forward with plans to release its list of proposed closures Friday.
The list is being kept under wraps, but defense analysts say they expect more than two dozen National Guard facilities to be tapped for closure or relocation. They suspect the Air National Guard will be hit hard, given that the Pentagon wants to scale back the F-16 fighter jet and other older planes located at domestic Air Guard facilities.
At least one state, Illinois, is threatening to go to court to block Rumsfeld.
(More ... - States challenge Pentagon on closing National Guard bases)