DeLay: Democrats Have 'No Class' (
Speaks at $250-a-plate gala in his honor
Thursday, May 12, 2005 Posted: 10:48 PM EDT (0248 GMT)
WASHINGTON (AP) -- House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, facing an audience of conservative well-wishers who reject as politically motivated the ethics questions that have dogged him for months, on Thursday night fired back at Democrats by calling them members of a party with no ideas and "no class."
The Texas congressman's supporters -- among them a dozen conservative organizations -- staged a high-profile show of support by throwing a $250-a-plate gala in his honor that brought nearly 900 people to the Capital Hilton. The money will be used to pay for the event, organizers said.
When he took the stage after other speakers had hailed him for his leadership in the Republican Party and the House, DeLay made only a passing reference to the problems that have sparked calls for an ethics probe, joking that one speaker had told reporters about a foreign trip they didn't know about.
Instead, DeLay told the crowd that as Republicans helped Americans find jobs and helped the country recover from the September 11 terrorist attacks, Democrats offered the country nothing.
"No ideas. No leadership. No agenda. And, just in the last week, we can now add to that list, no class," DeLay said, a reference to Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid's remark to school children that President Bush was "a loser." Reid later apologized to Bush adviser Karl Rove.
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