Senator Clinton Piles Up a Fund-Raising Lead for 2006 (
Published: April 19, 2005
WASHINGTON, April 18 - Even as Republicans struggle to find a candidate to challenge Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York next year, she has embarked on a furious fund-raising drive that appears to have left her with a larger reserve of cash than any other senator seeking re-election.
Her campaign reported on Monday that she had amassed nearly $4 million in contributions in the first three months of this year, meaning that she will close the first quarter with $8.7 million in the bank.
Mrs. Clinton's advisers are reluctant to say what the senator's fund-raising goal is for the 2006 re-election campaign. But she raised and spent roughly $30 million in 2000, when she won Daniel Patrick Moynihan's old seat in the most expensive Senate race in New York history, according to campaign finance disclosure records.
This time around, Mrs. Clinton, whose popularity rating in New York is soaring, may end up facing only token opposition. But Republicans are nevertheless vowing to spend millions to attack her, no matter who her opponent is, because she is considered a leading presidential contender in 2008.
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