Sen. Jeffords Says He Plans to Step Down (
Vermont Independent Who Left GOP in 2001 Cites His and Wife's Health Issues
By Dan Morgan
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, April 21, 2005; Page A07
Sen. James Jeffords (I-Vt.), whose abrupt defection from the Republican Party in May 2001 handed control of the Senate to the Democrats for the next 19 months, announced yesterday that he would not seek a fourth term in 2006 due to his and his wife's health problems.
Jeffords, 70, in a surprise announcement in South Burlington, Vt., cited his own health, as well as the fact that his wife, Elizabeth, is battling cancer and will soon have to undergo another round of chemotherapy. He added that "my memory fails me on occasion, but [Elizabeth] would probably argue this has been going on for the last 50 years."
"I have had an enormously satisfying career, one that I would not have traded for any other," Jeffords said, his wife and two adult children at his side.
During a 30-year career in the House and Senate, Jeffords has sided with Democrats on such issues as health care, gun control, the environment and family and medical leave. He supported Vermont's law allowing civil unions for gay and lesbian couples.
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Sen. Jeffords Says He Plans to Step Down (