Democrats On DeLay Debris: It’s De-Lovely (
By Ben Smith
April 20, 2005
The deepening reds and blues of America’s political map are making it harder and harder to be a Republican member of Congress from New York.
Republicans widened their majority in the House of Representatives by 11 seats between 2000 and 2004, but New York is heading in the other direction, with the Democrats picking up one seat in 2002 and another last year.
As a result, New York’s Democrats and their allies smell blood. The party is poised to field a ticket next year headed by Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton and gubernatorial nominee-apparent Eliot Spitzer. Meanwhile, Republicans find themselves on the defensive on issues ranging from Social Security to ethics. The latter controversy has taken on a special urgency as scandal continues to swirl around House Majority Leader Tom DeLay of Texas.
What’s more, the party in control of the White House generally loses seats in mid-term elections. All of this could spell trouble for some of the state’s nine remaining Republican members of Congress in 2006.
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Democrats On DeLay Debris: It’s De-Lovely)