Bolton Gets Support from Conservative Anti-UN Ads (
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Anxious to counter Democratic efforts to block John Bolton's chances of becoming U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, a conservative advocacy group is running television ads this week to promote his nomination.
Called Move America Forward, the California-based group has also launched television ads that decry the United Nations as a corrupt body that hates the United States.
"The main goal with the John Bolton ad is to show that he is a great nominee for U.N. ambassador. He's plain spoken and will represent U.S. interests to the U.N. as opposed to representing those of the U.N.," said Siobhan Guiney, executive director of the group, on Tuesday.
Guiney said several ads had run this week nationwide in support of Bolton to coincide with his nomination hearings on Capitol Hill, where he has come under fire by Democrats who criticize what they see as a "go-it-alone" foreign policy.
"I think our ads are helpful. Most people recognize that the United Nations is a fraudulent organization and in need of reform," she said.
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