Three Were Told to Leave Bush Town Meeting (
By Jim VandeHei
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, March 30, 2005; Page A04
Three Denver residents yesterday charged that they were forcibly removed from one of President Bush's town meetings on Social Security because they displayed a bumper sticker on their car condemning the administration's Middle East policies.
The three, all self-described progressives who oppose Bush's Social Security plan, said an unidentified official at an event in Denver last week forced them to leave before the president started to speak, even though they had done nothing disruptive, said their attorney, Dan Recht.
Initially, the three believed Secret Service agents had grabbed them and ushered them out of the auditorium, Recht said. But he said that Lon Garner, the Secret Service agent in charge of the Denver office, told them the service investigated the matter and found it was a "Republican staffer" who removed them because they had a "No More Blood for Oil" bumper sticker on their car.
Garner said yesterday that he was told by headquarters not to comment on the matter, and referred calls to Washington.
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Three Were Told to Leave Bush Town Meeting (