Senate Work May Come to Halt If GOP Bars Judicial Filibusters (
By Charles Babington
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, March 16, 2005; Page A04
Senate Democrats formally threatened yesterday to bring the chamber to a virtual standstill if Republicans carry out a plan to change Senate rules and bar filibusters of judicial nominations. The comments, which Republicans quickly denounced, signal that the two parties remain on a collision course whose outcome could be so explosive that it is generally called the "nuclear option."
Democrats have made similar threats in recent interviews and speeches, but yesterday's actions -- including a letter to GOP leaders and a mass gathering on the Capitol's east steps -- marked their biggest effort yet to show solidarity on an issue that many expect to reach a climax next month.
Democrats have infuriated Republicans by using stalling tactics, or filibusters, to prevent 10 of President Bush's appellate court nominees from reaching a confirmation vote on the Senate floor. Democrats note that 204 Bush nominees have been confirmed and say the 10 in question are so conservative that they fall outside the political mainstream. Republicans reject the charge, and Bush has renominated seven of the stalled appointees.
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Senate Work May Come to Halt If GOP Bars Judicial Filibusters (