Parties Sharpen Political Rhetoric Over Schiavo Case (
Posted 3/24/2005 8:56 AM Updated 3/24/2005 9:01 AM
WASHINGTON (AP) — Terri Schiavo's personal tragedy is taking on a more political tone in Congress, where House Majority Leader Tom DeLay likens the struggle over her fate to attacks on himself, and a Democratic critic accuses Republicans of opportunism.
"I find it shameful that Mr. DeLay and Republicans have used Ms. Schiavo as their political pawn to kowtow to their conservative base," Rep. Robert Wexler, D-Fla., said Wednesday as House GOP leaders filed court papers in an increasingly desperate attempt to keep the brain-damaged Florida woman alive.
"It's unfortunate that he thinks his situation is like Terri Schiavo's," added Rep. Rahm Emanuel of Illinois, chairman of the House Democratic campaign committee. "That's a distorted view."
(More ... - Parties sharpen political rhetoric over Schiavo case)