Democrats Abroad New Zealand
  Edwards Mum on His Political Future (
Democrat focuses on poverty issues, helping sick wife

By Carla Marinucci
San Francisco Chronicle
Friday, March 18, 2005

Former Democratic vice presidential candidate John Edwards declined to say Thursday whether he ever promised to stay out of the campaign for president in 2008 if his former running mate, Sen. John Kerry, seeks the party's nomination again.

"Personal, confidential conversations between Sen. Kerry and myself are going to stay personal and confidential,'' Edwards said in an interview with The Chronicle following a Thursday speech to the San Francisco Bar Association.

Edwards, the former North Carolina senator, was responding to questions about a New York Times report this week in which unidentified Kerry associates said Edwards had privately promised the Massachusetts senator to hold off on a 2008 White House run -- if Kerry runs.

"I have a very high opinion of John Kerry. He's a good man. He would have made a very good president,'' Edwards said. "And our families are close to each other.''

Asked about his plans for a potential presidential campaign in 2008, Edwards said, "My campaign now is to fight poverty and is a continuation of work over the last several years. That's what I'm committed to. I'll make decisions about politics down the road -- and that's particularly true given what's happening with Elizabeth.'' Edwards' wife, Elizabeth, was diagnosed with breast cancer in November and underwent surgery last week. She is doing well, he said.

(More ... Edwards mum on his political future / Democrat focuses on poverty issues, helping sick wife)
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