Bushies Kvelling Over Orthodox Jeff Ballabon (Observer.com)
By Ben Smith
March 25, 2005
In a rapid, confidential near-whisper, Jeff Ballabon was offering his counterintuitive take on former U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft.
"If you go to his house today, he has a mezuzah on the door," Mr. Ballabon said. And when they went to a Baltimore Orioles baseball game together, he recalled, Mr. Ashcroft knew that combining hot dogs and ice cream wouldn't be kosher.
"Ashcroft isn't an 'evangelical,'" Mr. Ballabon explained. "He's not a 'fundamentalist.'"
If you're looking for a New Yorker with deep ties to the Christian right--you know, the folks running America--Mr. Ballabon is your man. Which is odd, first of all, because he's not Christian, but an ultra-Orthodox Jew from Long Island. And, second, because he's spent most of his career as the lobbyist for New York media companies, including Court TV and Primedia.
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Bushies Kvelling Over Orthodox Jeff Ballabon)