Liberal groups Watching Dean (
Friday, February 25, 2005 Posted: 7:47 AM EST (1247 GMT)
WASHINGTON (AP) -- A year ago, an activist group from the Seattle area gave Howard Dean a thin, golden statue of a backbone.
The Oscar-like award honored the former Democratic presidential candidate and Vermont governor for standing up against the Iraq war and other Bush administration policies.
Now, as Dean settles into his new role as head of the Democratic Party, that golden spine has come to represent, for many liberal Democrats, Dean's potential to develop a tougher, take-no-prisoners attitude among the party faithful.
"There's no gut-check required for Dean. Dean just needs to be Dean," said Dal LaMagna, founder of the Progressive Government Institute. "He's the kind of person who's a collaborator, a facilitator. He's not someone who has a clique or who will only talk to people in his clique."
(More ... - Liberal groups watching Dean - Feb 25, 2005)