White House Denies Tax Money Used to Promote Policy (SMH.com.au)
January 28, 2005
As fresh evidence surfaced of the Bush Administration's use of taxpayer dollars to promote its policies in the press, the President repudiated such practices and ordered that his cabinet secretaries remain "independent" from the media.
Mr Bush spoke on Wednesday as Democrats produced statistics showing that Administration contracts with private public relations companies have more than doubled since he took office.
It was disclosed that a syndicated columnist had received $US21,500 ($28,000) from the Department of Health and Human Services to help the department's efforts to promote marriage among aid recipients. Earlier this month, reports surfaced that the Education Department had paid conservative commentator Armstrong Williams $US240,000 to promote the President's education policies.
During a White House news conference, Mr Bush denied that he and his staff knew about such contracts, which Democrats denounced as "covert propaganda" directed at the American people and paid for by their tax dollars.
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