RudyWorld/HilWorld (
by Ben Smith
New York’s two political giants, Hillary Clinton and Rudy Giuliani, seemed for a moment after November’s election to be moving on parallel tracks toward their respective parties’ Presidential nominations in 2008. If anything, America’s Mayor had the straighter shot, while Mrs. Clinton’s prospective candidacy would have to deal with the legions of Hillary haters in the heartland.
A few weeks later, Senator Clinton is still marching steadily toward the nomination, but Mr. Giuliani’s Presidential hopes are evaporating. If you want to understand why the two politicians are headed in such different directions, it’s worth taking a look at the company they keep, at the contrast between Mrs. Clinton’s broad circle of old political hands and Mr. Giuliani’s tight, loyal cadre.
Mrs. Clinton’s network is broad and largely female, packed with some of the nation’s most experienced political operatives and spanning cities, generations and ethnic groups. They include longtime practitioners of political hardball like Ann Lewis and Harold Ickes, discreet loyalists like fund-raiser Patti Solis Doyle and former aide Maggie Williams, and Democratic Party media stars like James Carville. She can also rely on the advice of one of America’s great political minds: her husband’s. (He held high national office at one point in the recent past.)
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