The President's Grand Elusion (
By Dana Milbank
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, December 21, 2004; Page A05
President Bush, an old F-102 pilot, showed at yesterday's news conference that he has not forgotten his evasive maneuvers.
As he fielded questions on everything from Iranian nukes to presidential personnel, the often blunt and plainspoken president employed the full range of artful dodges.
Qualifications for a director of national intelligence? "I'm going to find somebody who knows something about intelligence," Bush disclosed.
Timeline for Iraq? "We'd like to achieve our objective as quickly as possible."
Vladimir Putin's turn toward autocracy? "If we disagree with decisions, we can do so in a friendly and positive way."
When the subject turned to Social Security, the president made clear that questions about his views on the subject were strictly out of bounds -- as when CNN's John King asked why Bush wasn't talking about "tough measures" such as raising the retirement age or cutting benefits.
"Now the temptation is going to be, by well-meaning people such as yourself, John, and others here as we run up to the issue, to get me to negotiate with myself in public," Bush said. Saying he was trying to "condition" reporters, he added: "I'm not going to negotiate with myself and I will negotiate at the appropriate time with the law writers, and so thank you for trying."
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The President's Grand Elusion (