Asian $$ - Prince Neil Bush Gets Media Protection (
Once Upon A Time In The Bush Family Series
By Evelyn J Pringle
Once upon a time Prince Neil Bush was making money hand-over-fist over in China and Taiwan and nobody even seemed to notice.
When it comes to influence peddling by presidential relatives, nothing comes close to the financial activities of Neil Bush. But the comical part of this whole story is that with the media asleep at the wheel during the Bush presidency, Neil’s deals may have remained a secret for life if not for his equally shady violations of his marital vows, and his attempt to dump the wife and keep all the money for himself.
During a divorce deposition on March 4, 2003, Neil detailed financial relationships with firms in Taiwan and China and admitted to having had sex on several occasions with unidentified women who simply came to his hotel door in Thailand and Hong Kong, according to the UPI on Nov 26, 2003.
Lets skip past the sex talk that's been covered in other articles in this series and go to the area of the transcript that deals with Neil's contract with one Grace Semiconductor Manufacturing. With no background whatsoever in semiconductors, Neil entered into a 5-year consultant contract, with an annual retainer of $400,000 in stock, with this company.
The 2-page Aug 15, 2002 contract bears the signatures of Winston Wong and Neil Bush, and under the terms of the contract, Neil has only 2 duties:
· To provide GSMC from time to time with business strategies and policies; latest information and trends of the related industry, and other expertized advices (sic).
· To attend Directors Board Meetings.
For this he will be paid a total of $2 million worth of preferred stock, and $10,000 in expense money for each board meeting he attends.
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Scoop: Asian $$ - Prince Neil Bush Gets Media Protection)