It's The Internet's Fault Again (
Scoop Link Via Editor Sam Smith
DON'T WORRY FOLKS, nothing wrong with the count. It's just all those people on the Internet getting excited again. At least that's the inner monologue of the piece of establishment psyops in the Washington Post headed ''Conspiracy Theories About Presidential Election Flood Internet.''
Of course, that's a hard myth to maintain for a whole article so by the end, Roig-Franzia and Keating are saying accurately that Verified Voting, "a group formed by a Stanford University professor to assess electronic voting, has collected 31,000 reports of election fraud and other problems, but nothing that would overturn the Nov. 2 outcome."
When journalists were journalists and not sociological nannies, they would have known how to report the large number vote fraud complaints without disparaging those who draw the most dire conclusions from them. By ridiculing speculative conclusions, no informational purpose is served other than to put a misleading gloss over the whole corrupt and unreliable manner in which American counts its votes. The clear implication is that it's those stupid people on the web, and not, for example, Republican-run voting machine companies that are the proper cause for concern.
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Scoop: Sam Smith: It's The Internet's Fault Again)