Democrats Abroad New Zealand
  Apathy, Arrogance or Fear - We Must Face All Three (
By Jim Kirwin

We are still being told to ''come together and allow the nation to heal.'' No surgeon worth the name would dream of sewing up a patient with all those bullets still inside. Yet that is exactly what we are being told to do. Forget all the attempts to utterly destroy the established order, forget all the blatant theft involved in stealing the last three elections, forget the inbred hatred of everything this nation theoretically once stood for: Just shove all that off the table, forget the hemorrhaging from every open orifice, and just sew up the patient and get back to theft and corruption as usual. NO! We are no longer a nation, so long as we do not demand that this attempted murder be dealt with – in open court, with the whole world watching.

Our behavior in Iraq is an abomination before the eyes of the entire planet, and yet only we, will not see what we are doing. Why? Because we choose not to see what we have done and what we continue to do, under a false flag of "defending this nation." Some say that this is because the population is apathetic, others say, that this is because we cannot afford to recognize what we are doing because we couldn't live with that. The truth probably lies somewhere in between.

If the film footage from Iraq involved more than watching a line of Americans machine-gunning distant buildings, more questions would arise.

(More ... Scoop: Apathy, Arrogance or Fear - We Must Face All Three)
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