Aides: Kerry to Donate Cash (
By Ron Fournier
Associated Press
Friday, November 19, 2004; Page A04
John F. Kerry is likely to donate a substantial portion of his excess presidential campaign cash to help elect Democratic candidates, advisers said yesterday.
Party leaders, including some of Kerry's top campaign aides, said this week that they were surprised and angry to learn that he had more than $15 million left in accounts from the Democratic primaries. They demanded to know why it was not spent to defeat President Bush or to help congressional candidates.
There were no easy answers to those questions, officials close to Kerry acknowledged yesterday, but they sought to assure Democrats that the four-term Massachusetts senator was sharing his political wealth. They said that he donated $40.5 million to Democratic causes in 2004, including $3 million each to the party's House and Senate campaign committees. More than $32 million went to the Democratic National Committee, including $9 million intended for state parties.
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Aides: Kerry to Donate Cash (