October Surprise (DemocraticUnderground.com)
October 20, 2004
By The Plaid Adder
In 2000, Nader garnered most of his electoral support by making the argument that the two major parties had grown so close together that there were no longer any significant differences. He's still trying to make that argument now, but just about nobody is buying it.
Especially this October, the differences have become pretty dramatic. You see, right now, even if you can't make head or tail of the ideological positions, there's one very easy way to tell the two parties apart. The Democrats are busting their asses to get voters to the polls, and the Republicans are busting their asses trying to keep voters away.
That has always just baffled me. I know many fine upstanding Republicans, and all right, fine, on many an issue dear to my heart I can still see room for honest disagreement. But how you go to bed at night knowing that your party depends on voter intimidation and election fraud to stay in power I do not understand.
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October Surprise, by The Plaid Adder - Democratic Underground)