Justice Department Triples Election Monitors; More Than 1,000 Head to Polls (WashingtonPost.com)
By Dan Eggen
Friday, October 29, 2004; Page A06
The Justice Department said yesterday that 1,090 observers -- more than three times the number deployed in 2000 -- will be dispatched to polling places in 25 states on Election Day.
Federal observers will monitor voting in eight Florida counties -- including Broward, Dade and Palm Beach -- as well as communities in at least six other battleground states: Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Iowa, Minnesota and New Mexico.
The Justice Department is required to monitor polling places in 27 jurisdictions covered by the Voting Rights Act or rerelated court orders.
Some Democrats and voting-rights groups have complained that the Justice Department and Attorney General John D. Ashcroft have focused their efforts primarily on fraud allegations levied by Republicans, rather than on ensuring that minority and elderly voters are not discouraged from voting.
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Justice Department Triples Election Monitors; More Than 1,000 Head to Polls (washingtonpost.com))