California To Allow Its Citizens Overseas to Return Absentee Ballots by Fax
California’s newly enacted election reform bill (AB 2941) permits any voter covered by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA), who are legal residents of California and outside of the United States, to return his or her voted ballot via facsimile. The bill provides that an absentee ballot returned via fax must be accompanied by a declaration in which the voter waives his or her right to cast a secret ballot.
All faxed ballots must be received by county elections officials by the close of the polls (8:00 p.m. PST) on Election Day, November 2, 2004.
Citizens may receive the blank ballot via fax and return the voted ballot by fax. Citizens of California who desire to receive their absentee ballot by fax should provide their county election official with their complete commercial or DSN (military) fax number, including country codes necessary when dialing from the U.S. This can be done by faxing a Federal Post Card Application as a request to your county of residence in California. Contact information for county elections offices can be found at
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News Release #14, 2004)