Battle of the Bulge (
By SAM SMITH, Editor
The Progressive Review
The failure of the archaic media to evince more than a passing interest in the matter of the bulge in George Bush's back is an excellent example of a preeminent characteristic of the contemporary press: cowardice.
For a reporter to press the matter would be to risk ridicule and/or censure from one's boss, colleagues and sources, in this case including those working in the White House. It is simpler and safer to either ignore the matter or to ridicule it oneself.
For such reasons, I learned long ago to stay (away) from the Washington press corps, knowing that it has much the same deadening effect on one's curiosity and thought as being in any fraternity based on aggressively common presumptions.
Of course, the difference with the media, as opposed, say, to a fundamental religious community, is that the former is supposed to be curious and skeptical. The suppression of inquisitiveness should be considered by journalists a mortal sin; instead they increasingly see it as their professional salvation.
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Scoop: Sam Smith: Battle Of The Bulge)